

March 20, 2020

Dear Customer,

We'd like to extend our deepest sympathies if you've been adversely impacted by coronavirus or by this week of panic. We've entered a strange time unusually difficult to describe in much positive light at the moment. Many of us are rightly concerned and focusing on the health and well-being of our loved ones while doing our best to carry on with some level of normalcy.

We understand that safety is your top concern right now.

We all share responsibility in slowing down the spread of this thing together without putting a stop to absolutely everything we do. We are taking this very seriously at Raw Juicery. As a juice company, we already maintain an extremely high standard of safety and quality control in our FDA inspected processing facility. Although we are already extremely confident in the safety of our products, we will be taking additional precautions within our Packing and Shipping Department.

The juice inside of our bottles has always had zero risks of contamination after being high-pressure processed in addition to the various sets of safety procedures that we regularly employ. However, we are taking extraordinary measures to ensure that the outside of our bottles and shipment packaging remain sterilized once handled by our staff. 

Here's what we're doing now:

  1. Nitrile gloves are to be worn at all times when packing and taping boxes for shipment and are to be changed frequently.
  2. Face covering is now required at all times in our shipping department.
  3. Ice packs are sanitized before being laid down in our insulated liners.
  4. The inside of our packages will be sprayed with Chlorine Dioxide before being closed for shipment.

Chlorine Dioxide is a very safe, non-toxic, very powerful USDA Organic and FDA compliant sanitizer used frequently in other aspects of our operation. Now, before we seal your package, we will spray a light mist of Chlorine Dioxide into the liner and inner box to ensure your products are completely disinfected when purchasing from us online. 

Your package may now have a very mild, bleach-like scent once opened, and that's a good thing. Safety was, is, and will always be our very highest priority.

Much love during these strange times, 

Team RJ